Artist, Instructor, Potter, Writer. Artist, Instructor, Potter, Writer. Artist, Instructor, Potter, Writer. Artist, Instructor, Potter, Writer. |
Co-founder of Guild Gallery, later renamed Downtown Art Gallery 630.
Treasurer, Terrebonne Fine Arts Guild, since 1997. Grant writer. President, three years, Gallery Director, 2 years. Author of Artistes du Terrebonne monthly arts column in the Houma Courier. Originator of Summer Art Camp for Children and driving force behind Art After Dark and Art After Dark Spring Fiesta walking art tour in Downtown Houma. Illustrated They Came They Stayed by Laise Ledet. Compiled Mangez Avec Les Artiste la Terrebonne cookbook. Workshop instructor, Houma, New Orleans area and Brookhaven, Miss. Art Instructor, Ellender High School 1989, Downtown Art Gallery 630 and weekly art classes at private studio. Member, Degas Pastel Society, New Orleans, La. Award-winning artist. Examples of her work can be found here. |